Special Offers

Non-Refundable and Early Bird Rates

Non-refundable Rates Enjoy discounts when you book 5 days ahead of check-in and pay right away! Non-refundable rates may not be cancelled. Only available when booking directly with the hotel. Early Bird Discounts Book 14 or 60 days ahead of time and receive a further discount!

Book in advance... And receive...
14 days 5% off!
60 days 8% off!
Please consult our F. A. Q. page to learn more about the conditions.

To redeem, please provide us: Press 'Book Now' on the top menu to see the non-refundable rates!

Returning Guest Discount

If this isn't your first time with us, give us the required details and receive a 10% discount on your next stay when you book directly with us! If this was a long time ago, don't worry! We'll do our best to find you in our records. Only available when booking directly with the hotel.

To redeem, please provide us: Your full, passport published, name (in the comments when booking), or MyKAD ID (for Malaysian citizens)